Just as a face represents a person, the reception area represents an organization, office or business.  Just as we form an opinion by looking at the person (usually the face). Most visitors similarly form an opinion about the organization and how it operates by looking at the reception and judging the people attending to them. The receptionist is the initial contact point with the external world and so it is in a very powerful place to improve the way the organization is perceived. The receptionist or front officers need training on how they can manage the reception area, create a lasting impression and be able to deal with clients and even the most difficult ones. 

Course benefits

  •  Clear understanding of the reception and front office operations
  • Apply professionalism to promote the image of your organization
  • Become assertive and remain composed, focused and polite even in difficult situations.
  • You will learn how to use iPhones, manage conversations and teleconferencing
  • Master the art of listening under pressure
  •  Study and understand human behavior and the counter moves needed
  • Learn how to manage your  emotions: excitement , anger  and stress